Thursday, May 23, 2013

Next Phase

So...deciding to leave my job and go into full time crafting and selling candles is a huge change to say the least...Starting over at 52 is kind of scary...majorly scary! but I am looking forward to the next phase of my life..changed our llc over to laney junk co...have 3 vendor events booked already...time to get my craft on...who knows, maybe I will become an extreme couponer next!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Laney Junk Co LLC

~Realized I have totally let my blog just flap in the wind for over a year! My how time flies...I have been busy recovering from shoulder surgery from an injury last November, decided I needed to leave my job of over 15 years and basically just walked out. Normally not in my character, but I could no longer function to my full capacity. Unable to sleep anywhere but a recliner for over 6 months wears on your soul. I am feeling shame for leaving like I did, but so much relief. I am now going to craft my butt off as much as my shoulder will allow and am proudly selling Gold Canyon Candles since January. Look for me at local Arizona vendor shows as Laney Junk Co~ and visit my Gold Canyon candle page at xoxo